Make time for YOU (starting today)

Dec 15, 2022

 by McKayla King-Mason

Do me (and yourself) a favor!

Take a sec and relax your shoulders and your jaw. Right now!

Then, draw in a nice slow breath … and feel those muscles relax even MORE.

Forget everything on your to-do list (for just a second). 

What are you doing for YOU today? 

A LOT of people put their fitness & health on the back burner this time of year.

“I’ll start again after the New Year,” they say. 

And I’m not just talking about weight gain … it’s about how you feel in your body every day – mind, body, and spirit! 

When you stick with your healthy habits (workouts, healthy diet, 7-8 hours of sleep a night, etc.), you just plain FEEL better. 

You have fewer cravings … your immune system works better … you are in a better mood … your self-esteem goes up … and you enjoy life more!

And I can’t think of a better gift to yourself (and your loved ones!) for the holidays than that :-)

So schedule those workouts … and double down on healthy food choices. It really will make a huge difference for you starting TODAY.

Remember: Don’t let the urgent get in the way of the important – because YOU and YOUR needs are important.

Committed to your success,

-Angela & McKayla

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